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Jun 25, 2019

Luke and Sarah wrap up this season of the podcast by returning to a discussion about the Cardinal virtues and specifically which ones THEY are working on currently. From summer plans to current fitness practices, the benefit of hiring coaches and everything in between, Sarah and Luke riff about real life, struggles,...

Jun 18, 2019

Today we chat with Kate Galliett of and Kirsty Grosart of two, very impressive strong women, about how HAND BALANCING can really be for everyone if they have all the "building blocks" in place.
In this episode, we discuss about Kate and Kirsty's upcoming course, Hand Stand Building...

Jun 11, 2019

Luke and Sarah have the absolute pleasure and privilege of speaking with Tim Anderson of Original Strength AND the Becoming Bulletproof Project. 
Tim, Luke and Sarah chat today about the origins of the Original Strength training system, the philosophy and inspiration behind it, what it means to be "bulletproof", how...

Jun 4, 2019

Today we talk about what you can do to protect yourself, practice respect for oneself and others and practical actions you can take to be SAFE with Jaimie Lee, a certified Krav Maga instructor.
She also talks about using Krav Maga as a path towards healing and empowerment after experiencing trauma, what kids can do to...