May 4, 2021
Now is a time to unabashedly stand up for your beliefs.
Today we are chatting about how to depart from mainstream
narratives, formulate our own ideas and body share your
perspective, even when unpopular! It's a fun one!
Book recommendations:
Uncle Tom's Cabin-Stowe
Black Red Necks and White Liberals-Sowell
Unseen Realm-Heiser
A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich-Solzhenitsyn
12 Rules for Life-Peteron
A History of the American People-Thomas
Brave New World-Huxley
Plague of Corruption -Mikovitz
The Truth About Covid-19-Mercola**haven't read but heard great
Dirty Genes-Lynch
Mere Christianity and the Abolition of Man-Lewis
Movement Matters-Bowman
The Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve-Rosenberg