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Apr 22, 2020

Today it's all about PRACTICING love and gratitude for our bodies, even when we don't FEEL those emotions, because our inner conversations impact our healing progress and journey forward. Whether you have prolapse, a "tight" pelvic floor,  a history of over-training, under-eating, or body betrayal this episode...

Apr 7, 2020

Today I'm joined by Victoria Barrios of Avidity Sisters to chat about how food intolerances do NOT have to mean a life of restriction, fear and fragility! Victoria shares her own discoveries on how food was impacting her Tourette's syndrome, how she healed from that and how she and her sister Jaimie have created a...

Apr 1, 2020

HUGE life changes, uncertainty unpredictability can be scary, but also an opportunity for exposure. As we take a second look at our lives, our fitness practices and our faith expression, what are we seeing? Is our faith real and practiced in a way that can help others find answers? Does our fitness practice prepare us...